
Our main research occupation are heterogenous computer systems, natural language processing (question answering, semantic tagging), knowledge management and digital libraries. Some of project are software implementation for citizen notification of administration matters, distance-learning portal and digital library of University of Maribor, digital library of Ministry of Defence of Republic of Slovenia, design and application of a travel survey for european long-distance trips based on an international network of expertise, a question answering system for  solving citizen's requests for communal tax calculation, a centralized system for eco-farming control for Ministry of Agriculture... We have established Centre for Heterogenous Computing. The main goal of this centre is to bring state-of-art research and new technologies to industry. We collaborate with companies like Microsoft Slovenia, IBM Slovenia, Oracle Slovenia, and other companies (Mariborska Livarna, Talum Kidričevo, Unior Zreče, 3Port, ELES, Nova Kreditna banka Maribor, Geološki zavod, Arctur...). We try to help in bringing advanced distributed systems, semantic web technologies, service oriented architecture into many companies through consulting and training. We have built our own natural language processing framework called TextProc. Natural language processing capabilities are implemented as software plug-ins. Plug-ins can be put together into processes that perform a practical natural processing function.

One of very important information source in Slovenia is digital library of the University of Maribor (DKUM -, which we have implemented. DKUM serves as a central access point to all digitally available documents produced on University of Maribor (UM).  DKUM also supports OAI-PMH v2 protocol. Currently, this protocol is used to provide our metadata for the DRIVER repository (Digital Repository Infrastructure Vision for European Research), WORLDCAT, ROAR, Celestial, Open DOAR and Base. Plagiarism detection software has been implemented and integrated into DKUM. Main goal of a plagiat detector is improving quality and originality of works, which are created at University of Maribor. We developed a program solution which using spider and open source OAI-PMH client for collection of any content that is available in the Slovenian language (slovenian Wikipedia, the professional resources from other digital repositories, articles, legislation, elaborates ...) in 2011. We also implemented digital library of the Ministry of Defence ( ), which is based on DKUM software solution in 2011.